Mid Dorset Winter League Rules 

 Please note: Rules amended/clarified at 2024 AGM are shown in bold text below.

1. The League

The aim of the Mid Dorset Darts Winter League is to provide a platform for local players/teams to compete against each other, in a friendly and sociable manner. Teams are to consist of 6 registered players (more players may be registered) and must have a nominated Team Captain and Vice Captain.

2. Team Registration

A registration fee of £10 per team applies, which covers the registration of up to 10 players. Any extra players players can be registered at the cost of £1 per additional player, before the commencement of the League. No registration form will be accepted without the registration fee. Pubs/clubs entering more than one team must clearly state on the registration form for which team the player has registered  i.e. A or B. 

3. The Players

All players must be registered to be eligible to play and their names clearly recorded on the Team's registration form. Registration forms should be sent to the League Secretary by the date requested at the AGM and the relevant fees paid. Additional players may be added after the commencement of the League, up to and including the last league game of the first half of the season. A £5 registration fee applies, to cover the cost of website updates. No more players can be registered after the conclusion of the first half. Exceptional circumstances will be reviewed by the League Secretary and Committee. No player is allowed to register for more than one team in the league in one season, unless a transfer has been approved. The Captains of the two teams concerned must both approve of the transfer and the Captain receiving the player is to notify the League Secretary in writing.     

4. League matches 

Matches are to be played on Mondays as per the fixture list, starting at 8.00 pm. All teams must be represented by 7.45 pm. Any player not present, by 8.30 pm will forfeit their game. Unless the reason is accepted by both Captains, this rule is to be rigidly applied.

5. Alterations to scheduled fixtures

Teams wishing to play on any day other than that stated on the fixture list should contact the opposing team captain at least 24 hours before the match. This should be done publicly, via the League WhatsApp Group, so all relevant parties are aware.  The Team Captain of the non-cancelling team, is to offer 3 reasonably achievable dates for the match to take place. If the cancelling Team Captain is unable to accommodate any of the 3 suggested dates, the Match points (9) and Beer Leg (1) will be awarded to the non-cancelling team and the match concluded. For any cancellation of a scheduled match, with less than 24 hours notice, the non-cancelling team will be awarded the Match points (9) and Beer Leg (1) and the match concluded. When the match is concluded in this manner (no match played) no Leading Dartist points can be added. 

6. Conditions of play  

The match dartboard should be fixed at a height of 5ft 8in (1.73m) from the floor to the centre of the bull. A throwing line should be clearly marked and preferably fixed on the floor at 7ft 9¼in (2.37m) from the face of the board. The captains of both teams are to mutually agree that the conditions of play are satisfactory and according to the rules as no protest will be entertained after the game.

7. Match Fees

During the League stages, a match fee of £6 per team applies. Match fees are to be collected by the Team’s Captain and paid to the League Secretary in two instalments. The first instalment is due no later than one week after the last league match of the first half of the season. The second instalment is due no later than one week after the final league match of the season. Notification of due payments will be circulated by the League Secretary and may change without notice. Non-payment of due fees will result in the expulsion from the League.

8. Match Format

There are 10 games to be completed at each League match. The Order of Play and points to be awarded, are as follows:

 a.  The order of play is decided by the drawing the players' names from a hat or placing the names face down on a table. The home team captain is responsible for drawing the away team players and the away team captain to draw the home team. 

 b. All games are to start and finish on a double (bull to count as double 25) and the ‘no bust’ rule applies for all games.

i. No Bust Rule. The exact number, concluding with a double, must be obtained to finish a game. If a player scores more than the required number, then only the previous scoring darts are taken from their score.

Example: If a player requires 40 and scores 5 with their first dart, 35 remains. With their second dart they score more than 35, their score would be 5 and they would require 35 on their next throw.

 c. 3 x Pairs – 501, Best of 3 legs – 3 points.

Games are started by either player 1, 3 or 5, from each team, throwing nearest the bull. The winner to play first in the opening leg. Order of play continues to alternate.

Example: Player 1 of team A throws nearest the bull and starts the game. They are followed by player 1 of team B, player 2 of team A and player 2 of team B. Play returns to Player 1 of Team A and so on.

The pair losing the first leg, play first in the second leg, observing the order of play above.

Example: Player 2 of team A hits the winning double for the first leg, player 2 of team B starts the second leg, assuming that team A threw first in the first leg. Play returns to Player 1 of Team A and so on.

If a third leg is necessary, either players 2, 4 or 6 throw nearest the bull, the winner to play first, with the order of play observed.

 Example: Players 6 throw for bull, player 6 of team B is nearest and starts the game, followed by player 6 of team A, player 5 of team B and player 5 of team A, until the game is won.

 The winning pair are awarded 1 point for their team.

 d. 6 x Singles – 301, Best of 3 Legs - 6 points 

Games are started by throwing nearest the bull, the winner to play first in the opening leg. The player losing the first leg to play first in the second leg. If a third leg is necessary, players should throw nearest the bull again, the winner to play first.

The winning player is awarded 1 point for their team.

e. 1 x Beer Leg (all 6 players) - 1 point.

Player 1 from each team throws nearest the bull, winner to throw first. One leg of 1001, double in and out. This is a separate competition, and 1 point is awarded to the winning team.

9. Coaching

Only the marker is permitted to advise the score and then only when asked to do so by the player throwing. The marker will advise the number required only i.e. 40 not double top or 35 not 3 and double 16. Any coaching by other team members, if necessary, must be done away from the oche and at the request of the player. This should not be detrimental to the throw of the opposing player.

NB: If any player requires further coaching from their team members, this should be agreed by both Team Captains before the commencement of the game. In this instance, a player may appoint one of their own Team to mentor them during their game. This must not be detrimental to the throw of the opposing player. 

10. Scorecards

The home team Captain is responsible for providing a competent marker and recording the results on the scorecard. The away team Captain is responsible for checking them. Any discrepancies between a player and the marker should be addressed immediately and any necessary corrections made.

Any 180s, high shots in or high shots out should be recorded on the result card. 

The Captains of each team must sign the result card. Should a result card have to be altered both Captains must initial the alteration.

In the case of a protest, the Captain protesting should write the word "protest" under their name, if this is not done there can be no protest. Once a card has been signed there can be no protest.

The Winning Team captain is responsible for posting the result card on the Leagues WhatsApp group. The signed score card should be retained by the winning captain and be presented to the League secretary upon request, if necessary.

In the event of league places being tied at the end of the season a playoff will be held to determine the outcome.  

11. Competitions

Only registered players, that have completed one league match, may enter the competitions.

All competitions are £2 per player to enter, except the Captain's Cup which is free.

All Competitions will be played to a conclusion on the scheduled night.


12. Finals Night.

A Finals Night will be held, and Trophies awarded for the following:

League Winners                                                         League Runners Up                                                   Beer Leg Winners

KO Cup Winners (if held)                                          KO Cup Runners Up (if held)                                     Wooden Spoon

Men’s & Ladies Singles Winner & Runners Up       Men’s & Ladies Pairs Winners & Runners Up

Men’s & Ladies Trebles Winners & Runners Up     Mixed Pairs Winners & Runners Up

Men’s & Ladies Leading Dartist                                Men’s & Ladies Highest Shot In

Men’s & Ladies Highest Shot Out                             180s

13. Conduct

All Team Captains take on the responsibility for ensuring that all games are played in accordance with the League Rules. They may be called upon to assist the League Secretary in the resolution of any matters of dispute or in the event of a breach of any of the above rules. The League Secretary's decision is final in any complaints arising or items not covered by these rules.    

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